How does Employee Self-Service help in Managing Payroll Services issues


Simon Sinek, a famous British-American author & inspirational speaker once said, “Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first”. Happy & Content employees are the key to any organization’s success. Companies across industries including IT, E-Commerce, Health Care, Retail, BFSI and many more are reaping the benefits of an ESS portal. What attracts HR Managers to an ESS Portal is the ability to reduce their administrative workload & reduce their time.

Most of the organisations now a days hire tech savvy employees who know how to use computers and are easily trainable to work on software tools such as a ESS portal which is customised to their organisation’s specific needs. Once the employee uses ESS tool such as Multi Recruit then their dependency on HR manager reduces drastically.

Here are 5 ways in which Employee Self-Service helps in Managing Payroll Services issues:

1. Access your payslips anytime, anywhere 24X7

Employees usually receive payslips in a hard copy format or on an email and this email could get easily lost. With Multi Recruit’s ESS – accessing pay slips becomes quite simple. Every month, once the salary is paid to the employee, the payslip is generated and uploaded on the online portal.

Meaning that whenever the employee wants, he or she can access current and previous payslips & print them. Payslips are needed when an employee wants to apply for loans / credit cards or rent a house, as it has all the necessary financial details of the employee, like PAN no. UAN no. etc and is considered as a crucial document. Best part is that it is available on the cloud 24X7.Dependacy on a HR or admin to get this information is reduced and the HR team can same time and Resources.

2. Rosters, Time Sheet & Attendance Maintenance

Payroll management is crucial when it comes to salary processing and time calculation. For a payroll manager, making sure all employee receives his / her payment on time is essential and crucial. which means that attendance sheets & time sheets need to be error-free & must always be processed on time. Employees can have attendance management. They can monitor the number of sick leave, annual leaves taken and vacation days they have utilised. The attendance system gives precise information again any time anywhere, of the number of days or hours an employee worked or was present/ absent in the office.

With the current COVID situation, where most companies have declared work from home, the attendance has to be managed correctly, with the ESS access the employee can mark their attendance via GPS and this will in turn help the company know the location of the employee.

3. Access of Employee Record / Data Management

Quite frequently, employees do not fill in their employment forms accurately or forget to update their details. In such cases, the company has outdated information which may be in the form of bank details, residential address information, bank details etc. With simple quick fill in forms, employee data can be captured and be updated by the employee thru the ESS. ESS allows employees to update such information without and intervention of a HR. Employees can self-manage the tax declarations too. Not needed here

4. Effective communication between employees & HR

HR’s are usually bombarded with Employee requests & it is difficult for a HR to manage these requests and respond to them on time & possibility of human error to overlook and not address them back. Handling multiple requests such as requests for annual leave, holiday extensions, enquiries regarding payslips, etc. can be overwhelming and time consuming. The ESS portal Streamlines such requests into a ticketing format and streamlines the communication flow between the Employee and HR Team. ESS portals allows employees to access their details 24/7 and can update them whenever required. ESS allows employees to apply for annual leave, schedule appointments with HR, update emergency contacts, view leave balance, raise travel requests, claim reimbursements, or fill out appraisal forms online. They can also use it to voice their grievances or sort out issues regarding payroll and salary. This improves two-way communication and reduces the number of email exchanges between employees and the HR Team. The ESS portal send reminder to the direct managers for any pending approvals, like leaves or acceptance/updating of any documents etc.

5. Making their own tax declarations

The are high changes for Manual Errors by HR managers when it comes to manual tax computations, purely because they have not factored the employee tax declaration appropriately (data entry errors). Investment Declarations help you to reduce your taxable income, so that you can maximise your take home pay. You can declare your proposed investments, expenses, losses, and previous employment details (if any) in the form of a provisional statement known as the IT Declaration. By giving the power of the declaration to employees via their logins thru ESS, employees can be sure that their tax declarations are submitted right, helping the organisation stay compliant and both Employee /employers pay taxes on time.

To conclude, trust and motivation levels go up when employees gain access to the ESS portal. There are endless rewards to reap, Such as:

Better Communication,

Standardised Processes

Faster turnaround time


Employee Engagement

Superior HR process / Quality

Empowering your employees with Employee Self Service creates a paperless payroll system. It creates a more automated and digitalization of processes which are repetitive and time consuming. It not only encompasses the needs of the employees, but also delivers outputs tailored to the job level of each employee. Furthermore, it makes communication between employees and HR managers smoother and more transparent. Multirecruit


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