Work for a Start-up? Should you take it or Should you not?
“Rise up, start fresh and see the bright opportunity each day” , Sounds interesting and intriguing at the same time? This is how life is when you are employed in a start-up! A crazy idea related to a product or service with a potential to solve challenges of a group of people, community, country, and/or the whole world, when clubbed with other essentials like the brain where the idea was generated, the money to go into the idea and the very place where all this would finally meet, gives birth to a start-up. “A good idea is worthless without impeccable execution and a commitment to iterate” – Zach Klein (Co-Founder, VIMEO ) According to a study by Small Enterprise, 90% of the start-ups do not make it to the third year. It could be due to many reasons (Leaving apart the current pandemic, COVID-19). Yet, as you were reading through the introduction of this topic, there are at least 4-5 start-ups being born at this very moment. The most essential elem...